Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” - Gail Devers

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The roller coaster of life...what a fun ride!

Well my life is happy right now. We got a new van the other day and, for the most part, I love it. There are a few things that need to be made better; but once it's all fixed, I'll be a happy girl. So in the past couple months, we've moved to a new house, sold and bought a new van, and I was hired for a new job.

I finally got a nursing assistant job at the hospital I already work for. I start training Monday and I'm very excited. If I do well and they like me, they're likely to hire me as an RN when/if I ever get there. :) That means this weekend is my last weekend at the least for now. I can't say it's forever because I've said that before...and here I sit working at the hotel as I type this.

I also start Lupron on Monday for the surrogacy. I'm really hoping things go smoother for us this time and we actually get to transfer...and have it work! As surprised as I am to say this, I kinda hope it's twins again. Am I crazy? Perhaps. But I have my reasons (yes, there's more than one). I know it's all in God's hands though and He has a plan. We shall see what that is very soon! We are hoping to transfer on August 11th (one month from tomorrow)!

Once the transfer takes place, it seems like life will go back to normal in every other way. School starts for the kids on August 19th and I start back on August 23rd. I don't feel ready to go back just yet. I'm still a little burned out. Hopefully these last few weeks will pull me out of that.

So our life has changed a lot lately...and it seems to be all for the better. Now I'm just hoping we can change my IP's lives for the better soon too.

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