Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” - Gail Devers

Monday, March 1, 2010

It's March, the beginning of new things...hopefully.

Things never come easy. School is hard. Work is hard. Life is hard.

We found the most perfect house for us to live in. It's another rental, but that's what we were wanting...just until we're ready to buy. We just want to get out of this neighborhood. The crime is increasing. My kids can't play out front for a number of reasons (speeding cars, suspicious people, etc). We were out of town last weekend and came home to find our trampoline (in our fenced backyard) now has a slit right down the middle of it. It was in near perfect condition when we left. We fear putting up our oh-so-cool (and not-so-cheap) Christmas decorations because we've had them destroyed in the past. And there are so many things wrong with the house itself. We've put in maintenance requests and the manager of the company has come out himself and taken pictures, but NOTHING has been fixed. We've been here 7 years. It's important that we keep the kids in their schools and we found a wonderful subdivision that would work so well. While driving through that neighborhood, people that live there (perfect strangers to us) waved! Nobody does that where we live. So we found this house and went to look at it today. It's affordable AND bigger AND newer than the house we have now. We all fell in love. Problem is: the deposit. We can afford the rent, but not the deposit on top of it. I'm praying that this is meant to be for us and that we will find some way to make this happen. I must keep in mind that God has a plan.

As for school, I'm hanging in there. I had my second test on Thursday and had to miss it due to two sick kiddos. :( I made up the exam on Friday and have yet to find out how I did. I feel pretty good about it, but I felt good last time too and didn't do so well. Hopefully, I'll get my grade tomorrow.

I still have my job and I still love it. I wish I could get more hours, but there's only so much that they need me and only so much I can work with school. I have been applying for nursing positions like crazy, but probably won't hear back until closer to graduation. I just wish I could get an offer as an intern so I could start training and slide right into a job as an RN. But that would be too easy, right?

On other news, we got a new puppy! She's a 6 week old pomeranian named Shadow. She's a little white fluff and looks like a miniature polar bear. We have welcomed her into our family and she's fitting in well. Now if we could just get her to sleep through the It's like having a newborn again!

Speaking of babies...(anyone guess where I'm going with this?)...I have decided to do another surrogacy! I am very excited about this and really hope to help another very deserving couple become a family. I am very grateful to be a part of this and hope that everyone can respect my decision. There will be updates to come...soon, very soon! :)

I can't wait for spring break!

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